My Name Is Dorote Zaukaite

I live in Lithuania, and I make dolls.

You can call me a figurative artist, or a doll maker, or a designer – well that is not important really. The important thing is that doll making is that sphere where my versatility has found a place.

I like creating and I like making things with my hands and exploring different mediums and learning new techniques. I also like inventing things, combining uncombinable, playing with shapes colors and textures. I like sculpting and painting and designing costumes, I like creating new characters with their stories and messages that they carry. I like expressing my own feelings through the dolls that I make.

Creating dolls makes me happy. I wish I would had found this form of art earlier in my life.

Back in 2009 the information was scarce and the only way to learn was by trial and error. It was challenging, but also satisfying.

Today, for everyone who would like to learn my techniques, I have written several e-books that can become a great starting point for a new hobby or maybe even a career.