Hello Dear Everyone!
I am very happy to welcome you in my new personal webpage!
It’s been a long time that I was dreaming of having my blog, photo gallery and a store to sell my works in one place, and finally my dream has come truth!
I hope that you will enjoy your staying.
Here you will find the most recent news about my upcoming projects, the events I am participating in and pieces I have for sale. You can also subscribe for the newsletter, to be sure you do not miss any news from my workshop.
And the Big News of the year:
It’s been several months already, since I have started working with porcelain. This new material is very different from what I have known till now, and learning to handle it was one of the most interesting and exciting experience in my life. My first mixed media dolls with porcelain parts are going to be very special, as they are a part of a collaborative project with a fantastic jewelry artist Margisa (http://margisa.eu/) from Poland. The project will be finished in february, and for now I am spending days and nights in my studio.
have a beautiful day everyone!
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